Member-only story
Take part in the Trusted Web
Publish only verified, transparent content online
The Trusted Web is a concept that refers to a web ecosystem in which users can have confidence in the authenticity and integrity of the information they access.
Content is the medium available for your audience. Context is the positioning of this content, its storyline or purpose that provides value to your readers.
If content is king, context is queen. And to adhere to the concepts of the Trusted Web, you must provide valuable, verifiable content, place it within its context and be transparent and truthful about your writing.
This approach also requires vetted sourcing, proper attribution and copyright adherence to gain your readers’ trust. And when using AI, like ChatGPT, you will have to add even more checks and balances to your writing (a future article will delve deeper into AI writing).
So when you publish content on your website, ensure that it has not been tampered with and that you don’t use clickbait in your headlines or phishing attempts. You should also always protect your users’ data, their rights and privacy and provide…