Member-only story
Content overload?
How to repurpose your writing
Is outdated content weighing your site down?
I’ve been there. As a writer who started in print media, I wasn’t sure how to translate longer content to the web when I designed my first website and how to give my writing a fresh feel.
Most of us believed effective web content had to be brief, bland and bullet-pointed to get the most likes and shares. What I discovered instead was that readers were still looking for quality writing, no matter its length and no matter the platform.
Today, online readers appreciate quality long-form narratives and storytelling even more, especially when it speaks to them.
But the content needs to feel original and new.
So, boost your older quality long-form writing to create even better content.
Here’s how.
First, assess what content you already have that can be reused and what feels outdated. Use this checklist for a thorough content audit. Be honest about what needs to go and what can stay.
2. Refresh older content and upcycle!
Then, repackage and reuse that content without rewriting it from scratch to give it a fresh feel. This is called upcycling…